Book Club Purpose

How to Start a Book Club


Starting a book club can be a rewarding experience that not only allows you to enjoy literature but also creates a sense of community. If you’re passionate about books and want to share that love with others, starting a book club might be the perfect endeavor for you. Here’s how to go about it.

Book Club Purpose

Step 1: Determine the Purpose

Before you invite members or pick up a book, you need to decide why you’re starting the book club. Is it for social reasons, educational enrichment, or professional development? The purpose will guide many of your subsequent decisions.

Recommendation: For new book clubs, it might be beneficial to start with a social focus. This keeps the atmosphere light and the commitment level manageable as members get to know each other.

Step 2 - Choose Genre or Theme

Step 2: Choose the Genre or Theme

Will your club focus on specific genres like mystery books, science fiction books, or non-fiction books? Or perhaps you’d like to explore a theme like “Women in History” or “Environmental Issues.” A clear focus can help attract like-minded members.

Recommendation: Start with a broad theme or popular genre that appeals to a general audience, such as “Bestsellers” or “Classics” (#AffiliateLinks). This makes it easier to attract initial members and can be refined later as the group’s preferences become clearer.

Step 3 - Book Club Logistics

Step 3: Decide on Logistics

  • Frequency: How often will you meet? Weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly?
  • Location: Will meetings be in-person at a particular venue, or will they be virtual?
  • Size: How many members do you want in your club? A smaller group might be more manageable for discussions.

Recommendation: Initially, opt for monthly meetings to give people enough time to read the book and manage their schedules. Virtual meetings can be more convenient for the first few sessions, especially if members are spread out geographically.

Step 4 - Recruit Book Club Members

Step 4: Recruit Members

  • Social Media: Create a group or page to attract members.
  • Local Community Boards: Post flyers at libraries, cafes, or community centers.
  • Word of Mouth: Don’t underestimate the power of a personal invitation.

Recommendation: Begin by inviting friends and acquaintances, then ask them to invite a friend. This “friend of a friend” approach can make the initial meetings more comfortable while still adding some diversity to the group.

Step 5 - Select Club Books

Step 5: Selecting Books

  • Voting: Let members vote on a list of books for future meetings.
  • Rotation: Each member could take turns selecting the book.
  • Curated List: As the organizer, you could create a list for several months in advance.

Recommendation: For the first meeting, you might choose the book to set the tone. After that, consider a democratic approach where members vote on a shortlist you provide. This ensures everyone has a say in the reading selection.

Step 6 - Book Club Meeting Structure

Step 6: Structure of Meetings

  • Discussion Leader: Will one person lead, or will members take turns?
  • Discussion Points: Prepare questions in advance to guide the conversation.
  • Duration: How long will meetings last?

Recommendation: For the first few meetings, it might be helpful for you, as the organizer, to lead the discussion. Use a set list of questions to guide the conversation and ensure it stays focused.

Step 7 - Book Club Rules and Etiquette

Step 7: Rules and Etiquette

  • Reading Deadline: Make sure everyone has enough time to read the book.
  • Respect: Encourage open dialogue while respecting differing opinions.

Recommendation: Keep rules minimal to start—perhaps just two or three key guidelines, like finishing the book before the meeting and respecting others’ opinions. More rules can be added as needed and as group dynamics evolve.

Step 8 - Keeping Book Club Engagement High

Step 8: Keeping Engagement High

  • Reminders: Use social media or group messaging apps to send reminders.
  • Special Events: Consider hosting author visits, either virtually or in person.
  • Interactive Activities: Incorporate quizzes or debates to liven up meetings.

Recommendation: Utilize a group messaging app to send reminders and create a sense of community. Keep engagement high between meetings by sharing related articles or trivia questions related to the book or upcoming book choices.


Starting a book club can be a fulfilling experience that offers intellectual stimulation, social interaction, and a deeper appreciation for literature. With thoughtful planning and a dedicated approach, your book club can be a rewarding endeavor for all involved.

I hope this guide helps you on your journey to start your own book club!

Book Ideas For Your Book Club

Head over to our latest book selection and unwrap any that sound like a good match!